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Bunny in a stocking


Designed by

Sachiyo Ishii

All parts are knitted flat and sewn up at the end.

You can knit with single pointed needles, however, using double pointed needles makes knitting stocking easier.


• [A] 10g red DK

• [B] 15g cream DK

• [C] Small amount of fleecy yarn white DK

• [D] Small amount of sky blue DK

• Small amount of 4-ply dark brown and pink

• Stuffing

• A pair of 4mm black beads, black cotton thread

Yarn used for the sample

• DK, 50g per 165m, 55 % Nylon, 45% Acrylic

• Double-Ended Stitch Holder, Small (Art No. 351)

• Fleecy white: DK, 25g per 85m, 100% Polyester


24 sts x 34 rows=10cm measured over St st (not essential)


St st: stocking stitch

St(s): stitch(es)

K: knit

P: purl

Kfb: k one through the front then through the back (same stitch)

K2tog: knit two together

P2tog: purl two together

Skpo: slip 1 stitch, k1, pass slipped stitch over

WS: wrong side

RS: right side

Project sheet (pdf)





With C, cast on 34 sts.
Rows 1-4: Knit. Break C.
Rows 5-18: Join A and starting with a k row, work 14 rows in St st.


<Stocking>: Right heel

Row 19: With B, k9, turn.
Row 20: Sl1, p8.
Rows 21-26: Repeat rows 19-20.
Row 27: K5, skpo, k1, turn.
Row 28: Sl1, p6, turn.
Row 29: K4, skpo, turn.
Row 30: Sl1, p4, turn.
Row 31: K4, skpo, k1, turn.
Row 32:Sl1, p5, turn.
Break yarn and keep these sts on a holder.


<Stocking>: Left heel

With WS facing, join B to the other end.
Row 19: P9, turn.
Row 20: Sl1, k8, turn.
Rows 21-26: Repeat rows 19-20.
Row 27: P5, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 28: Sl1, k6, turn.
Row 29: P4, p2tog, turn.
Row 30: Sl1, k4, turn.
Row 31: P4, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 32: Sl1, k5, turn.
Break yarn and keep these sts on a holder.


<Stocking>: Foot

With RS facing, starting at right heel, rejoin A and k6 sts of right heel from the holder, pick up 3 sts down edge of right heel, working over 16 centre sts, k7, k2tog, k7, pick up 3 sts up edge of left heel, k6 sts of left heel (33 sts).

Next 9 rows: with A and starting with a p row, work in St st. Break A.


<Stocking>: Shape toe

Join B.
Next row: Knit.
Next row: P3, [p2tog, p3] to end. 27 sts
Next row: Knit.
Next row: P2tog, [p3, p2tog] to end. 21 sts
Next row: Knit.
Next row: [P5, p2tog] 3 times. 18 sts
Next row: [K2tog] 9 times. 9 sts

Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<Stocking>: STRING

With D, cast on 40 sts. Cast off.


<Stocking>: TO MAKE UP

Seam from fastened-off end. Attach string.



With A, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] in each st to end. 20 sts
Rows 3-4: Starting with a p row, work 2 rows in St st.
Rows 5-6: Join C and p 2 rows.
Rows 7-11: With A and starting with a p row, work 5 rows in St st.
Row 12: [K2, k2tog] to end. 15 sts
Rows 13-20: Starting with a p row, work 8 rows in St st.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.



With B, cast on 6 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] in each st to end. 12 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: [K1, kfb] to end. 18 sts
Row 5: Purl.
Row 6: [K2, kfb] to end. 24 sts
Rows 7-11: Starting with a p row, work 5 rows in St st.
Row 12: K4, [k2tog] 8 times, k4.16 sts
Row 13: Purl.
Row 14: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. 14 sts
Rows 15-20: Starting with a p row, work 6 rows in St st.
Row 21: [P2tog] to end. 7 sts
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<BUNNY>: EARS (make two)

With B, cast on 10 sts
Rows 1-7: Starting with a p (WS) row, work 7 rows in St st.
Row 8: K2, [k2tog, k2] to end. 8 sts
Row 9: Purl.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<BUNNY>: LEGS (make two)

With B, cast on 6 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] to end. 12 sts
Rows 3-5: Starting with a p row, work 3 rows in St st.
Row 6: K4, [k2tog] twice, k4. 10 sts
Row 7: Purl.
Row 8: K4, k2tog, k4. 9 sts
Rows 9-13: Starting with a p row, work 5 rows in St st.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<BUNNY>: ARMS (make two)

With B, cast on 8 sts and work 9 rows in St st, starting with a p (WS) row.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.



With fastened-off yarn end, seam Head half way.
With cast-on yarn end, work a gathering thread along cast-on edge and draw tightly.
Stuff and close seam.
With B, work a gathering thread over eyeline and draw gently to shape dent.
Seam Ears and attach them to head with seam facing forwards.
Attach eyes.
With 4-ply dark brown, embroider nose.
With 4-ply pink, embroider whiskers with backstitch.
Make up Body as Head, working from fastened-off and cast-on edge.
Seam and stuff Arms and Legs.
Thread B and pierce foot from sole, take out from ankle and repeat.
Pull thread to flatten sole and shape ankle.
Attach Head, Arms and Legs to body.
Wrap neck with C a few times and hide yarn ends inside Body.