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Christmas Puppies



Sachiyo Ishii



Size: 13cm tall + 4cm star, 12cm wide, 7cm deep

Materials used

• DK: [A] 15g beige, [B] 30g brown, small amount of yellow

• 4-ply: [C] 10g red, small amount [D]green, [E] yellow, [F] yellow-green

• [G] Small amount of white fleecy DK yarn

• Cardboard, 40cm x 20cm, small amount of masking tape

• Toy filling


Size: 5cm

Materials used to make a pair

• [H] 10g White DK, [I] Small amount of Yellow brown DK

• Small amount of 4-ply Dark brown

• Small amount of Red tweed DK, 4-ply red,

• [G] Small amount of White fleecy DK yarn

• Stuffing

Yarn used for the samples

• DK: 50g per 112 metres, 100% Wool

• 4-ply: 50g per 180 metres, 100% Wool


28sts and 38rows = 10 x 10cm tension square in st st (not essential).


St st: stocking stitch

St(s): stitch(es)

K: knit

P: purl

Kfb: k one through the front then through the back (same stitch)

K2tog: knit two together

P2tog: purl two together

Skpo: slip1stitch, k1, pass slipped stitch over

WS: wrong side

RS: right side

How to make I-cord

Using double-pointed needles cast on the required number of stitches.

Do not turn. Slide stitches to the opposite end of the needle, then knit stitches again taking the yarn firmly across the back of work. Repeat to desired length. Cast off.

Practical tips

• Leave a long end at the beginning and end for sewing.

• Sew seam with the right side facing out, using mattress stitches.


Christmas Puppies_template_enのサムネイル

Лист с инструкциями (pdf)





Using 2.75mm needles and yarn A, cast on 31 sts.
Rows 1-3: Knit.
Row 4: P20, k1, p10
Row 5: Knit.
Rows 6-19: Repeat rows 4-5 seven times.
Row 20: As row 4.
Row 21: Kfb, k10, cast off to end. 12 sts
Break yarn and rejoin to remaining 12 sts with WS facing.
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: Kfb, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 24: Purl.
Break yarn, keep sts on a holder.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn A, cast on 31 sts.
Rows 1-3: Knit.
Row 4: P10, k1, p20
Row 5: Knit.
Rows 6-19: Repeat Rows 4 and 5 seven times.
Row 20: As row 4.
Row 21: Cast off 20 sts, k to last st, kfb. 12 sts
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: K1, k2tog, k to last st, kfb.
Row 24: Purl.


<KENNEL>: Join panels

Row 25: K1, k2tog, k9, cast on 6 sts, from Right panel: k9, k2tog, k1. 28 sts
Row 26: Purl.
Row 27: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 26 sts
Row 28: Purl.
Rows 29-48: Repeat rows 27-28 ten times, finishing with 6 sts
Row 49: K1, [k2tog] twice, k1. 4 sts
Row 50: [P2tog] twice. 2 sts. Pass the first st over the second and fasten off.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn A, cast on 30 sts.
Rows 1-2: Knit.
Rows 3-22: Starting with a k row, work 20 row in St st.
Row 23: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 28 sts
Row 24: Purl.
Rows 25-46: Repeat rows 23-24 11 times, finishing with 6 sts.
Row 47: K1, [k2tog] twice, k1. 4 sts
Row 48: [P2tog] twice. 2 sts. Pass first st over second and fasten off.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn B, cast on 50 sts.
Rows 1-6: [K1, p1] to end. Cast off p wise.



NOTE: yarn is held double throughout.
Using 3.75mm needles and two strands of yarn B,
cast on 16 sts.
Work in garter st (k every row) until work measures 21cm. Cast off.


<KENNEL>: To make up

Cut pieces from cardboard using template.
Stitch Entrance around front ‘door’ opening, folding band horizontally and sandwiching front piece.
Attach Back panel to Side panels.
Construct cardboard template.
Attach Knitting to cardboard, sewing base edge to cardboard.
Secure top ends of front and Back panels and top side corners to cardboard with a few stitches Attach Roof.


<Ornaments>: WREATH

Using 2.75mm dpns and yarn F, cast on 5 sts and work in i-cord for 30 rows. Cast off.
Join cast-on and cast-off edges. Embroider French knots using red 4-ply yarn. Make a small bow with yellow DK and stitch to top of ring.


<Ornaments>: STOCKING (make two)

Using 2.75mm needles and yarn G, cast on 18 sts.
Cut yarn G, join in yarn C.
Rows 1-8: Starting with a k row work 8 rows in St st.
Row 9: K11, turn,
Row 10: Sl1, p6, turn,
Row 11: Sl1, k7, turn,
Row 12: Sl1, p8, turn,
Row 13: Sl1, k9, turn,
Row 14: Sl1, p to end.
Rows 15-17: Continue in St st.
Row 18: [P1, p2tog] to end. 12 sts.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<Ornaments>: BOBBLES: make 8 in yarn C, 7 in yarn D

Using 2.75mm needles, cast on 10 sts. Starting with a p row, work 6 rows in St st. Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.

Stitch side seams of stockings. Sew side seams of each Bobble. Stuff, then sew running stitch around cast-on edge, pull tight to gather. Attach stockings and bobbles to Kennel.


<Ornaments>: STAR

Using 2.75mm needles and yarn E, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1: [ Kfb] in each st to end. 20 sts
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: [K1, kfb] to end. 30 sts
***Row 4: P6, turn, work on this set of 6 sts.
Next row: K2tog, k2, k2tog, turn. 4 sts
Next row: Purl.
Next row: K2tog twice, pass first st over second st, turn. 1 st
Next row: Pfb, turn. 2 sts
Next row: [Kfb] twice, turn. 4 sts
Next row: Purl
Next row: Kfb, k2, kfb, turn. 6 sts
Next row: Purl, keep sts on the main needle ***
Move on to next set of 6 sts and repeat from *** to *** four times more.
Working across the row,
Next row: [K1, k2tog] to end. 20 sts
Next row: Purl.
Next row: [K2tog] to end. 10 sts
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.
Use cast-off tail to sew centre. Sew running stitch around cast-on edge and pull to gather. Sew side seams. Attach it to Kennel.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn H, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] in each st to end. 20 sts
Rows 3-15: Starting with a p row, work 13 rows in St st.
Row 16 (neck): [K2tog, k2] to end. 15 sts
Rows 17-23: Starting with a p row, work 7 rows in St st.
Row 24 (eye dent): K4, [k2tog, k1] twice, k2tog, k3. 12 sts
Rows 25-26: Starting with a p row, work 2 rows in St st.
Row 27: [P1, p2tog] to end. 8 sts
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<PUPPIES>: BACK LEGS: make two

Using 2.75mm needles and yarn H, cast on 8 sts.
Rows1-5: Starting with a p row, work 5 rows in St st.
Row 6: K3, k2tog, k3. 7 sts
Rows 7-11: Starting with a p row, work 5 rows in St st.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn H, cast on 5 sts and work 7 rows in i-cord.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<PUPPIES>: EARS (make two)

Using 2.75mm needles and yarn I, cast on 4 sts and work 2 rows in St st, starting with a p row.
Next row: [P2tog] twice. 2 sts, pass first st over second and fasten off.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn I, cast on 6 sts and work 4 rows in St st, starting with a p row.
Next row: [P2tog] three times. 3 sts. Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn C, cast on 5 sts and work in garter st (k every row) until the piece measures 10 cm. Cast off.



Using 2.75mm needles and yarn G, cast on 10 sts. Cut yarn G, join yarn C.
Rows 1-8: Starting with a k row, work 8 rows in St st.
Row 9: [K2tog] to end. 5 sts
Row 10: Purl.
Break yarn, draw through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


<PUPPIES>: To make up

Using yarn tail, sew Head and Body and stuff. Sew running stitch around cast-on edge and pull to gather. Sew running stitch over decreasing row on face to create eyeline dent. Sew Leg seam, then stuff. Sew running stitch around cast-on edge and pull to gather. Thread a chenille needle with yarn H and sew from centre sole, to front ankle and repeat. Pull gently to flatten sole and shape ankle. Attach Legs to Body. Sew Tail seam and attach. Attach Ears with WS facing down. Using 4-ply dark brown yarn, embroider eyes in French knots and mouth and nose with backstitch.
Attach Head to Body. Make 1cm tassels on each end of Scarf. Tie around neck.