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Sachiyo Ishii


20cm sitting height including horn


• [A] 20g Soft pink DK

• [B] 10g Raspberry pink DK

• [C] A small amount of sky blue DK

• [D] A small amount of soft yellow DK

• [E] A small amount of white DK

• [F] A small amount of dark brown DK

• Toy stuffing

• A pair of 10mm safety eyes

Yarn used

• Stylecraft Special DK [A] Powder pink 1843 [F] Drark brown 1004

DK weight, 100g per 295m, 100% Acrylic

• King Cole Big Value Baby DK [B] Fuchsia 231, [C] Turquoise 018, [D] Primrose 003, [E] White 001

DK weight, 100g per 290m, 100% Acrylic


24 sts and 32 rows for a 10 x 10 cm tension square (not essential).

Practical tips

• Leave long ends at the beginning and end for sewing.

• Sew seam with RS facing, using mattress stitch.

• If you do not wish to use beads, make French knots with black yarn.


RS: right side

WS: wrong side

St st: stocking stitch

St(s): stitch(es)

K: knit

P: purl

Kfb: k one through the front then through the back (same stitch)

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With yarn A, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times. 20 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: [K1, kfb] 10 times. 30 sts
Row 5: Purl.
Row 6: [K2, kfb] 10 times. 40 sts
Rows 7-29: Starting with a p row, work 23 rows in St st.
Row 30: [K2, k2tog] 10 times. 30 sts.
Rows 31-39: Starting with a p row, work 9 rows in St st.
Row 40: [K3, k2tog] 6 times. 24 sts
Row 41: Purl.
Row 42: [K2, k2tog] 6 times. 18 sts
Row 43: Purl.
Cast off.


Head (started from the front and finished at the back of head)

Work as for body to row 6. 40 sts
Rows 7-17: Starting with a p row, work 11 rows in St st.
Row 18: [K9, kfb] 4 times. 44 sts
Rows 19-27: Starting with a p row, work 9 rows in St st.
Row 28: [K9, k2tog] 4 times. 40 sts
Row 29: Purl.
Row 30: [K2, k2tog] 10 times. 30 sts
Row 31: Purl.
Row 32: [K1, k2tog] 10 times. 20 sts
Row 33: Purl.
Row 34: [K2tog] 10 times. 10 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


Ears: make two

With yarn A, cast on 14 sts.
Rows 1-3: Starting with a p (WS) row, work 3 rows in St st.
Row 4: K2, [k2tog, k2] 3 times. 11 sts
Row 5: Purl.
Row 6: K2tog, [k1, k2tog] 3 times. 7 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


Legs: make four

With yarn B, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times. 20 sts
Rows 3-6: Starting with a p row, work 4 rows in St st.
Row 7 (edge): Knit.
Rows 8-11: Starting with a k row, work 4 rows in St st.
Break yarn B. Change to yarn A.
Rows 12-13: Starting with a k row, work 2 rows in St st.
Row 14: K6, [k2tog] 4 times, k6. 16 sts
Row 15: Purl.
Row 16: K6, [k2tog] twice, k6. 14 sts
Rows 17-28: Starting with a p row, work 12 rows in St st.
Cast off.



With yarn B, cast on 5 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: K1, [kfb] 4 times. 9 sts
Rows 3-5: Starting with a p row, work 3 rows in St st.
Row 6: K3, turn. Work on this set of sts. 3 sts
Rows 7-22: Starting with a p row, work 16 rows in St st.
*Leave these 3 sts on working needle.
With RS facing, move on to the next set of 3 sts. Repeat rows 6-22.
Repeat from * once more.
Row 23: Purl across the row. 9 sts
Rows 24-25: Starting with a k row, work 2 rows in St st.
Row 26: K1, [k2tog] 4 times. 5 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.



With yarn E, cast on 15 sts.
Rows 1-3: Starting with a p (WS) row, work 3 rows in St st.
Row 4: [K1, k2tog] 5 times. 10 sts
Rows 5-9: Starting with a p row, work 5 rows in St st.
Row 10: [K2tog] 5 times. 5 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tightly and fasten off.


Wings: make two

With yarn B, cast on 12 sts.
Row 1 (WS): P5, join yarn C and p4, join yarn D and p3.
Rows 2-5: Keeping colours correct and starting with a k row, work 4 rows in St st.
Row 6: K3, turn. Work on this set of sts of with yarn D. 3 sts
Rows 7-14: Starting with a p row, work 8 rows in St st.
Leave these sts on working needle. With RS facing, move on to the next set of 4 sts and work on them with yarn C.
Rows 6-18: Starting with a k row, work 13 rows in St st.
Leave these sts on working needle. With RS facing, move on to the next set of 5 sts and work on them with yarnB.
Rows 6-22: Starting with a k row, work 17 rows in St st.
Break yarns C and D.
Next row: With yarn B, purl across the row. 12 sts
Cast off.



Cut an 80cm length of yarn B and tie the ends together.
Fold into three so you have six strands lying parallel.
Hold both ends and twist the yarn tightly until it folds up on itself, insert one end slightly through the other to secure (in the same manner you would twist and secure a skein of yarn) and tie the end with another length of yarn.
Cut the loops of the tied end and trim.


To make up

With cast-on yarn end of body, work a gathering thread along cast-on edge and draw tightly.
Sew seam to neck and stuff.
With cast-on yarn end of leg, work a gathering thread along cast-on edge and draw tightly.
Sew seam to cast-off edge and stuff.
Work all legs the same way and attach legs to body.
Attach tail to body.
With fastened-off yarn end, sew head halfway.
With cast-on yarn end, work a gathering thread along cast-on edge and draw tightly. Attach safety eyes.
Sew up a little further, stuff and close head.
Seam ears and attach them to head.
Fold hair piece lengthwise and sew each edge together.
Attach hair to head.
Seam and stuff horn.
Attach horn on hair.
With yarn F, embroider nostrils and mouth.
Attach head to neck.
Fold wing piece lengthwise and sew together the edges.
Attach wings to body.