Flower penguins
Designed by
Sachiyo Ishii
All-purpose sewing needle
• [A] 5g Sky blue DK
• [B] 5g White DK
• [C] 5g brown DK
• [D] 5g grey DK
• [E] A small amount of Yellow DK
• Small amounts of 4-ply yarn,
colour of your choice for flowers
• 4mm black beads x 4
• Black cotton thread
• Stuffing
• Artificial flower stems
• Floral tape
About yarn used for samples
• King Cole Pricewise,[A] Cornflower (56), [B] White (1),
[C]Taupe (37), [D] Fudge (1741): DK weight (8-ply),
100g per 290m, 100% Acrylic
RS: right side
WS: wrong side
RH: right hand
St st: stocking stitch
St(s): stitch(es)
K: knit
P: purl
Kfb: k one through the front then through the back (same stitch)
K2tog: knit two together
P2tog: purl two together
Skpo: slip1 stitch, k1, pass slipped stitch over
Practical tips
• Leave a long end at the beginning and end of each piece for sewing.
• Sew seam with RS facing, using mattress stitch.
• Work a French knot with black yarn for each eye if you do not wish to use beads.
Mummy: Body
With yarn A, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: (Kfb) to end. 20 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: (K1, kfb) to end. 30 sts
Row 5: P8A, join yarn B and p14B, join another end of yarn A and p8A.
Keeping colours correct and twisting yarn at colour changes to avoid any holes,
continue as follows:
Rows 6-9: Starting with a k row, work 4 rows in St st.
Row 10: Skpo, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. 28 sts
Rows 11-17: Starting with a p row, work 7 rows in St st.
Break yarn B. Continue with yarn A only.
Row 18: K2tog, (k3, k2tog) 3 times, k4, k2tog, k3, k2tog. 22 sts
Rows 19-25: Starting with a p row, work 7 rows in St st.
Row 26: K2, (k2tog, k2) to end. 17 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tight and fasten off.
Mummy: Wings (make two)
With yarn A, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Pfb, p to last st, pfb. 12 sts
Rows 2-5: Starting with a k row, work 4 rows in St st.
Row 6: (K2, k2tog) to end. 9 sts
Row 7: Purl.
Row 8: (K1, k2tog) to end. 6 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tight and fasten off.
Mummy: Beak
With yarn E, cast on 4 sts.
Row 1 (WS): (P2tog) twice. 2 sts
Row 2: Skpo and fasten off.
Mummy: Feet
With yarn E, cast on 4 sts and knit 4 rows.
Cast off.
Mummy: Hat
With yarn C, cast on 11 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: (Kfb) to end. 22 sts
Rows 3-6: Starting with a p row, work 4 rows in St st.
Row 7: Knit (for ridge).
Row 8: (Kfb) in each st to end. 44 sts
Rows 9-10: Starting with a p row, work 2 rows in St st.
Cast off knit wise.
Child: Body
With yarn D, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: (Kfb) in each st to end. 20 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: K2, (kfb, k2) to end. 26 sts
Row 5: P7D, join yarn B and p12B, join another end of yarn D and p7D.
Keeping colours correct and twisting yarn at colour changes to avoid any holes,
continue as follows:
Rows 6-7: Starting with a k row, work 3 rows in St st.
Row 8: Skpo, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. 24 sts
Rows 9-11: Starting with a p row, work 3 rows in St st.
Row 12: (K2tog, k2) twice, k2tog, k4, (k2tog, k2) twice, k2tog. 18 sts
Break yarn B. Work with yarn D only.
Rows 13-18: Starting with a p row, work 6 rows in St st.
Row 19: (P1, p2tog) to end. 12 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tight and fasten off.
Child: Wings (make two)
With yarn D, cast on 8 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Pfb, p to last st, pfb. 10 sts
Rows 2-3: Starting with a k row, work 2 rows in St st.
Row 4: K2, (k2tog, k2) to end. 8 sts
Row 5: Purl.
Row 6: (K2tog) to end. 4 sts
Break yarn, thread through sts, pull tight to fasten off.
Child: Beak
With yarn E, cast on 3 sts. Row 1 (WS): P2tog, p1. 2 sts Row 2: Skpo and fasten off.
Child: Feet (make two)
With yarn E, cast on 3 sts and knit 3 rows. Cast off.
Child: Hat
With C, cast on 9 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: (Kfb) in each st to end. 18 sts
Rows 3-6: Starting with a p row, work 4 rows in St st.
Row 7: Knit (for ridge).
Row 8: (Kfb) in each st to end. 36 sts
Rows 9-10: Starting with a p row, work 2 rows in St st.
Cast off knit wise.
BOTH CHILD AND MUMMY: Flowers on hat
With 4-ply yarn of your choice, cast on 10 sts, break yarn. Thread through sts. Thread through sts again, inserting needle from the same end, and pull yarn tight. Stitch ends together. Attach it to hat. With yarn E, work a French knot for the centre. Repeat for desired number of flowers.

With 4-ply yarn of your choice, cast on 10 sts, break yarn. Thread through sts.

Thread through sts again. Do not tighten yet. Place artificial flower stem in centre and pull yarn tight.

Stitch the ends together and hide the yarn end inside the flower. Keep the other yarn end uncut. Wrap stem and yarn together with floral tape. Cut stem to desired length. Bind a few flower stems together.

With fasten-off yarn end, sew body half way. With cast-on yarn end, work a gathering thread along cast-on edge and draw tightly. Stuff body and close seam. Fold wing lengthwise and sew edges together without stuffing. Attach wings to body. Seam hat and attach it to head. Wrap red DK around the hat, secure the wrap with a few stitches and make a bow at the back for ribbon. Attach flowers to hat and with yellow, French knot the centres. Attach beak. Attach eyes. Attach feet to body. Sandwich bouquet between wing and body and secure them in place with a few stitches.