Original Pin Cushion

What kind of Pin Cushion do you have?

Do you like to make your original pin cushions with your favorite fabric?
You can make your original pin cushion with CLOVER “QUICK” Yo-Yo Maker.
Once you made the pin cushion, you can attach it at the top of cap of the jar.
Spool of thread or some accessories can be stored in the jar.

If you make the yo-yo with coarse fabric, the pin cushion can be used for darning needles.

The third one is my favorite.
I don’t like to leave the pin cushion with needles and pins on my working table.
I put it on a shelf or cover it with something.
Then, I made the one which can be stored with pins and needles in the jar.
You need to make the pin cushion smaller than the cap of jar and attach it inside of the cap.

Today, we uploaded the project sheet to make “Yo-Yo Pin Cushion with Jar”.